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美国能源部副部长Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall致信北京大学燕京学堂副院长John Holden

2016-07-31 17:30 iGCU

近日,美国能源部副部长Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall博士致信北京大学燕京学堂副院长John Holden,感谢北京大学于6月7日安排包括燕京学子在内的北大相关院系师生的近距离座谈交流活动。

此前的座谈会主要围绕低碳经济的创新发展及学生在世界能源、气候中发挥的重要作用展开。在谈到美国能源部的工作时,Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall博士提到,供职于能源部让她有机会认识世界各地的学子,聆听他们关于气候与能源的声音,这是工作中她非常看重的一部分。她相信,美中两国的青年学子将在增进美中了解,促进美中合作,共同应对气候变化与提供能源解决方案领域发挥重要的作用。

Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall博士在来信中表示,她很高兴能够来到北京大学斯坦福中心与北大师生一起座谈交流。能够和来自燕京学堂及北大其他优秀的年轻人一起交流思想,碰撞火花,探讨世界能源、创新技术等问题,这是个非常难得的机会,她感到非常开心。


Dear John:

What a delightful surprise it was to see you in Beijing last month when I visited the Stanford Center at Peking University! Thank you for the warm personal welcome and the lively discussion with students, including many of your talented young people at the Yenching Academy. I valued the opportunity to interact with the studentsat both the formal session and the reception.

Engaging with students across the United States and around the world is one of the highlights of serving at the Department of Energy. As I told your bright students, I believe that they can play an important role in advancing U.S.-China cooperation, especially in our vital shared mission to combat climate change and deploy clean energy solutions.

I hope our paths will cross again in the near future. In the meantime, thank you again for a terrific visit.


Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall




